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Active Schools Week 
22nd - 26th April 2024 

Ping Pong Table

Active Schools Week Day 5 

Day 5 of Active Schools Week consisited of teacher v pupils dodgeball, poor teachers lost every time!! Soccer penalty shoot out and we had Gymnastics with Scorchers from Killarney.

Active Schools Week Day 4 

In the morning we all did an olympic movement break. We had football skills with Mr. Cooper and after lunch we did a walkway activity. 

Active Schools Week Day 3 

Day 3 - In the morning we went for a whole school walk. After maths we had a movement break. In the afternoon we played dodgeball. 

Active School Week Day 2 

We began our day with an olympic movement break. During maths time we did a walkway activity. After lunch we had a whole school 'Drop Everything and Dance'.

Active School Week - Day 1 

Day 1 consisted of a 'Wake Up, Shake Up' led by the Active School Committee, movement breaks and rugby with Killarney Rugby Club. 

Physical Activity 

Running Shoes

Run Around Europe Challenge 

We spent 4 weeks completing the Run Around Europe. 

We ran a total of 3298 laps = 3,298km. 

We decided to run to Paris in France and Helsinki in Finland. 


Active Break Challenge 

As part of our Active Flag renewal we are doing an active break each day at 12pm for 4 weeks.

Click below for more.  

Yellow Orange Gradient

Active School Walkway

The senior room using the active school walkway during a maths lessons on multiplication


1st class using the active walkway to read the time at the different controls. 


Using our Active Schools Walkway while looking for signs of winter. 


Reducing sedentary time 

We looked at ways to reduce sedentary time throughout the day. We decided on using standing desks when working with iPads, dance breaks, Deir Ó Grádaigh during Irish lessons, run/walk laps using our walkway etc. 


Kids in Park

Playground Leaders 

Pink Cream

Active Breaks 

Our playground leaders and equipment managers have been doing a great job this year organising games and equipment for the children to use during break time. 

We also love to acknowledge our pupils and past pupils physical achievements from outside of school. 

Click the links to see some of our pupils physical achievements with the clubs. 

Our Active School Committee 

Football skills with Vince Cooper

Football skills with Kerry GAA Youth Development officer on Thursdays. 


Hurling Lessons with Mr. Colm O Brien every fortnight. 

This year we decided to work on developing the PE strand 'Games'. We looked at introducing a new type of game so we began Hurling lessons with Mr. O' Brien in September 

Physical Education


Active Homework 

Golf & Hockey for PE

When we were working on the strand of 'games' for PE this year we learned some new games including hockey and golf. 

Swimming Pool

Swimming Lessons 

This year we were lucky enough to bring all pupils from Junior Infants to 6th class for 6 weeks of swimming lessons. 

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